Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 1 '01 esl>eng ACTA NOTARIAL DESTACADA Highlighted (or Dinstnguished depending in context) Notarial Affidavit easy closed ok
- Feb 4 '01 eng>esl My Info I'd use Mis Datos easy open no
- Jan 13 '01 esl>eng Tienes que estudiar Si, tengo que estudiar. easy open no
- Jan 13 '01 esl>eng Please verify listen to msmoot - I think she/he has solved your riddle easy closed no
- Jan 9 '01 esl>eng conmutada [not meaning but how construed] all I can tell you is that they prohibit going online without signing up with an estabblished voice easy closed ok
- Jan 11 '01 eng>esl compensation disability leave permiso recomensado por disabilidad easy open no
- Jan 11 '01 eng>esl culture addition introduccion de cultivos easy open no
- Jan 11 '01 esl>eng idling o funcionando mientras parado pro closed no
- Jan 11 '01 esl>eng idling funcionando pero parado pro closed no
- Jan 11 '01 eng>esl To figure out the 100th day count firt of all, I agree with clausteve entirely pro closed no
- Jan 10 '01 eng>esl leveraging por aplacamiento de..... easy closed ok
3 Jan 10 '01 eng>esl Details of trading format detalles del formato comercial easy closed ok
- Jan 10 '01 eng>esl repeat custom favorecer clientela repetida y negocio repetido pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '01 eng>esl To the nearest cent al mayor centavo pro closed no
- Jan 3 '01 esl>eng cayendo en muerte, soltando el llanto. falling into death (the abyss) he cried out........... easy closed ok
- Jan 6 '01 eng>esl residential parent pariente en control easy open no
- Jan 4 '01 eng>esl Love handles - that bulging around the waist area Depends where you are - " michelines" is fine for Spain but for the rest it's "llantitas". easy closed ok
- Jan 4 '01 eng>esl llevar el pelo cortado bajito he had a short haircut - period. That's all you need. easy closed ok
- Jan 4 '01 eng>esl llevar el pelo cortado bajito he had a short haircut - period. That's all you need. easy closed ok
- Jan 2 '01 eng>esl chícharos mezclados con café son "chickpeas" - aqui en los EEUU lo tenemos tambien pero nuestro nombre es "chickory" easy closed no
- Dec 31 '00 eng>esl ...Understand the importance of "ownership" and "follow through". comprender lo signifificado de propiedad y el deseo de seguir adelante easy open no
4 Dec 31 '00 eng>esl jeopardy game juego de Jeopardy easy closed no
- Dec 31 '00 eng>esl Guest comment card or simply surgerencias de los huespedes dadas al hotel por questionario easy closed ok
- Jan 6 '01 esl>eng juzgados de paz the first answerer s correct - Justices of the Peace pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '00 esl>eng cigar term: "capote homogeneizado" wrapped in the same tobacvo pro closed ok
- Dec 20 '00 eng>esl When i was little i used to fight with my sister De niño peleaba con mi hermana.. easy open no
- Dec 21 '00 eng>esl Type of practice tipo de consultorio easy open no
3 Dec 21 '00 esl>eng cigars: fácil fumada easy draw is good - you might want to consider smooth draw pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '00 esl>eng cigars: fortaleza media body works - you may also want to consider simply "mild" pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '00 esl>eng cigar term: tripa corta minute filler pro closed ok
2 Dec 21 '00 esl>eng cigar term: "capote homogeneizado" a wrapper made of the same..... pro closed ok
2 Dec 21 '00 esl>eng cigar term: "capa natural" tobacco wrapped in tobacco leaves pro closed no
- Dec 17 '00 eng>esl battle for hearts, minds, and dollars en la batalla para atraer el corazon, cerebro y dinero. easy closed no
- Dec 14 '00 esl>eng corriente de falla circuit breaker pro closed ok
- Dec 15 '00 eng>esl Knowledge workers los eruditos pro closed no
- Dec 8 '00 eng>esl Hyphenated-American en deuda easy closed ok
- Dec 8 '00 eng>esl I will love you forever te amarré para siempre easy open no
- Dec 9 '00 esl>eng encargado site manager pro closed no
- Dec 5 '00 esl>eng Afinación REFINED is the word you;re looking for pro closed no
- Dec 9 '00 eng>esl dimpled chad pestaña embarazada pro closed ok
- Dec 1 '00 eng>esl online enrollment enscibase en la red easy closed ok
- Dec 1 '00 esl>eng inicio de sesión startup (period) easy closed no
- Dec 1 '00 esl>eng a precio alzado again I'm telling you it's a a fixed and inflated price pro closed no
- Dec 2 '00 eng>esl the number of votes shall be pooled seran todos considerados pro closed no
- Dec 2 '00 eng>esl "Roll" as in dice Lansaste dos seises ¿ Arriesgas haciendolo otra vez? pro closed ok
- Dec 2 '00 eng>esl "Roll" as in dice Lansaste dos seises ¿ Arriesgas haciendolo otra vez? pro closed ok
- Dec 1 '00 esl>eng a precio alzado whoa! we're talking about an inflated price here pro closed no
- Dec 1 '00 eng>esl interrogatory first of all, you're not dealing with an interogatory but an interrogation easy closed no
4 Nov 30 '00 esl>eng reglamento de Copropiedad y Administración regulation of joint ownership and management pro closed no
4 Nov 30 '00 esl>eng medidas lineales, superficiales y angulares measurements by blueprint, cornerstone and surface readings easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered